
Showing posts from 2020

Rock edicts of Khalsi

Samrat Ashoka of Mauryan Empire was one of the greatest Emperors of India. Ashoka is called “The Great “ emperor because he renounced war as state policy voluntarily in the 3rd Century BC after the victory at the gruesome battle at Kalinga and instead adopted the policy of Dhamma ie policy of welfare of his subjects after conversion to Buddhism .... Being far ahead of his time Ashoka is fittingly called Ashoka the great. King Ashoka (r. 268-232 BCE) used Rock Edicts to help rule his Empire. These Rock Edicts showed his adoption of Buddhist and Hindu principles, particularly by spreading his moral code he called the Dhamma. Ashoka’s edicts, inscribed on rocks and pillars were found in India and neighbouring countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal. In India rock inscriptions were found in Mount Girnar-Gujarat, Sopara-Maharashtra, Yerragudi-Andhra Pradesh, Dhauli and Jaugada in Odisha. One such site of Rock Edicts is a place in Uttarakhand c

Ghughuti Famous Bird of Uttarakhand

The Indian Spotteddove is a small and somewhat long-tailed pigeon that is a common resident breeding bird across Uttarakhand.  इस घिघुती पक्षी के ऊपर उत्तराखंड गायकों ने भी कई  सुरीले गीत भी गाये हैं. जिनमें गोपाल बाबू गोस्वामी जी का गीत बहुत है प्रशिध है :- "घुघुती ना बासा, आमे कि डाई मा घुघुती ना बासा घुघुती ना बासा ssss, आमे कि डाई मा घुघुती ना बासा।"

Tiger Falls

The Tiger Falls is a treasure hidden deep inside mountain terrain of small cantonment town of Chakrata. It is located at approximately 100 Km from the state capita Dehradun & 20 Km from Chakrata. Earlier one had to walk 5 Km to reach there, but now a narrow motorable road has been constructed and you have to walk barely 300-400 meters. The track and fall is surrounded by rhododendron (burans) and oak trees.  At an elevation of 312 ft, it is considered  as the highest direct waterfall in India. The fall derives its name from the sound it makes.  The scattered drops of this majestic waterfall are collected in a small pond making it a gorgeous location for taking a bath.