Neemkaroli Maharaj : Smallpox will be quickly eradicated

Jai Gurudev !!

Maharaji instructed Larry Brilliant to travel down from the mountains and become part of the World Health Organization’s campaign to end smallpox in India. It took 15 trips for officials to finally take the young doctor seriously and hire him, but each time he was rejected, Maharaji would send him back to try again.

“I can’t explain how he even knew the words ‘smallpox’ or ‘eradicate’ in English,” Brilliant said. “I don’t know how he knew that smallpox would be eradicated, or how he had the confidence that there would be a place for me in that effort. I was the youngest person ever hired by the World Health Organization. They tolerated a hippie kid who had been living in a monastery in the mountains. And, as it says on my recruitment papers, I was the only one recruited from the Hanuman Monkey Temple in the Himalayas.”

By 1977, they had reached that goal, one that Maharaji foresaw when he sent his young disciple (Larry Brilliant) to join the fight against smallpox.

(from Sometime Brilliant by Dr. Larry Brilliant)

This postcard was issued by Indian Postal Department to commemorate eradication of small pox from India. This post card was signed by Dr. Larry Brilliant himself and was sent to JP Bhatele.


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