Life's Journey .... A Voyage of Time

Life is not Linear and its graph is always marked with several ups and downs, each denoting a chapter in one's life. One should not get perturbed if he is going through a rough patch in his life, as nothing is permanent including time and a dark chapter in life has to come to an end sometime......

It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.

What is important is the zeal, self-confidence, belief and never to quit attitude to fight with evil no matter how big the evil may be.....

हम सभी की यात्रा वस्तुत: और अंतत:
अँधेरे से उजाले तक की ही है
कभी जरुरत से ज्यादा लम्बी
तो कभी
उम्मीद से भी कहीं अधिक छोटी

जब हम लम्बी यात्रा से गुजरते है तो
अँधेरे कई मरतबा सामने आते हैं
और इंसान को मजबुत बनाते है

बुरे और अच्छे दिन
आते और जाते हैं
क्या भले चंगे मानव
इससे घबराते हैं !!??


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